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100% sassy Member Name: sassy1986 Member ID: 003258
Caucasian / White, 38, Divorced Erie, Pennsylvania, United States

Personal Details
Gender: Female
Age: 38
Race: Caucasian / White
Marital Status: Divorced
Children: 0
Religion: Spiritual
Drinking: Gave it up
Smoking: Never
Food: Souls Food
Occupation: Writer
Education: Associates degree
Interests: Arts / Crafts
Astrology / New Age
Cars / Motorcycles
Computers / Internet
Food and Wine
Gym / Aerobics
Theatre / Ballet
Travel / Sightseeing
Volunteer / Charity
Yoga / Meditation
Literature / History
Movies / Cinema
Museums / Galleries
Music - Blues/Jazz
Music - Classical / Opera
Music - Country
Music - Dance / Electronic
Music - Pop / R&B
Music - Rock
Music - World
Nightclubs / Clubs
Singing / Playing Instrument
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Body Type: Average
Height: 5'05" - (165 cm)

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Last activity: offline

General Information
I am a 25 yr old bisexual female from Erie, Pa, I have a
bachelors degree in creative writing and I am also a part
time physical therapy aid. I am a very happy energetic
Independent person. I like to hang out with friends
listen to music.poetry and singing are two big passions in
my life. I also have an interest in motorcycles and Harly
stuff they are awesome. Besides my work and hobbies I am
a person that's greatly vales and believes in the solid
truth and trust between two people. I believe that all
people should be treated with respect and not judged by
what they appear to be on the out side but what beauty and
strength they posses on the inside.
I am 5'5 I have a curvy and voluptuous figure I am not a
twig I have meat but I am not fat or obese there is a
difference. I keep a short styled spiky hair style. I wear
glasses, I AM NOT A BUTCH,I like to wear make I have a
variety of trends and styles of clothing that I choose to
wear skirts,short and long dresses, then I can play casual
with jeans and a cute shirt. I think my best features are my
curves and my bright green eyes.

Looking for
I am looking for a sweet fun women I am a femme and prefer
some one along similar lines. A women with integrity and a
good head on her shoulders. Someone who is open and honest
and is not afraid to show affection in public. I am open and
proud of my sexuality and I want someone who will stand
proudly beside me and want to be with me as much as I want
to be with her.
Gender: Female
Age From: 21
Age To: 32
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